COVID-19 March 18 2020

During this very difficult time Globally the Conronavirus (COVID19) continues to develop it is important that we put in place measures to ensure that the risks of our staff, contractors and the wider community is at the forefront.

In Australia the government has announced restrictions on non-essential gatherings of not more that 100 people with Schools,workplaces and public transport set to currently remain open.

Travel restrictions apply for foreign national travellers from mainland China, Iran ,Republic of Korea and Italy.

All other foreign national travels entering Australia must self-quarantine in a home or hotel for 14 days after entering Australia.

If you are an Australian citizen or permanent resident, you and your immediate family members can return to Australia.

Freight currently is still being processed as normal, with Customs & Quarantine still working and processing as.

Airlines are reducing flights including maindeck services therefore all regular and scheduled flights are being disrupted. Impact on airlines rates are showing sharp increases.

All Seaports currently are running and  being processed with minimal backlog however due to Biosecurity measures and testing for all arrival crew it is expected backlog with incoming vessels expected, which would also impact export sailings/bookings.

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